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In Hong Kong, the number of young cancer survivors is increasing. With the advancement of assisted reproductive treatment, more and more young cancer survivors can now consider having babies. We aim to provide fertility preservation for these groups of patient through the CUHK ART unit’s “Fertility Preservation Project”. However, the awareness and knowledge of fertility preservation remains weak in Hong Kong.

With the generous donation from Wai Yin Association, and the professional help from director Adrian Kwan and producer/screenwriter Hannan Chang, we have recently produced a microfilm to promote the awareness of this fertility preservation service among public, patients and frontline clinicians. Hopefully, more patients will have a chance to have their own biological offspring, which otherwise may not be possible.

Please watch the following short movie and documentary adapted from a true story to understand the fertility preservation technique and how this service can help a pair of lovers turn to a new page of their life.

Dr. CHUNG Pui Wah, Jacqueline
Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, CUHK