Professor WANG Chi Chiu

Advisor of the Assisted Reporductive Technology Unit
MBBS (Hons), MMed (O&G), PhD (Surgical Sciences in O&G), PhD (Genetics), DipTCM (Chinese Medicine), DipTCM (Acupuncture), FRSC (UK), SAB (US)
Short Biography
Dr. Wang Chi Chiu is currently a Professor, Deputy Director of Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis Centre, and Division Head of Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Dr. Wang joined the department after his MBBS degree with honours in 1994, and in 1998 and 2011 he received his first PhD in Surgical Sciences from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and his second PhD in Genetics from Japan National Institute of Genetics. Dr. Wang has major research focus in studying reproduction and development. With wide range of experience in clinical and medical research and teaching, Dr. Wang was appointed to the editorial boards and review panels of many important research funding agents and journals. He was also a council member of the Hong Kong Society of Medical Genetics. Dr. Wang has worked on many research projects received a total of over 111 million research grants and owned 4 patents. He has published over 270 ISI articles on many acclaimed journals including JAMA, Nat Commun, Gene Dev, Cell Research, PNAS, Hum Reprod Update, Angiogenesis, J Biol Chem, FRBM, Mol Hum Reprod, Hum Reprod, and Fertil Steril. His success in O&G research has earned him multiple local and international scholarships and awards. He is also reviewer of BMJ, Lancet, Hum Reprod, Fertil Steril, BJOG, FRBM, FASEB, J Path, Development, Physiol Genomics, etc.