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Other Special Services
3D/4D Ultrasound Scanning
3D ultrasound is particularly useful for identifying abnormalities in the uterus; it also helps in the evaluation of the uterine cavity for the presence of endometrial polyps (benign growths of the lining of the uterus) and uterine fibroids (benign tumour of the muscle of the uterus).
It is also extremely valuable when diagnosing cornual pregnancies; it is more accurate in assessing the exact position of the gestation sac.
Transfer-In/Out of Frozen Gamete(s)/Embryo(s)
A single person (for cancer patients ONLY) or married couple (in a monogamous marriage) who want(s) to transfer his/her gamete(s)/embryo(s) to/from a local or an overseas licensed centre must have their related treatment in our Unit. Please contact our staff for doctor assessment before further arrangement.