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Cryopreservation of Embryos
After fresh embryo transfer in an IVF/ICSI cycle, any remaining good quality embryos can be frozen and stored for later use through process of cryopreservation. Later, these embryos can be thawed and transferred back in a frozen embryo transfer cycle. These frozen embryos can be stored for a maximum of 10 years and the storage consent and fees need to be renewed every 2 years.

Elective Cryopreservation of all embryos
Elective cryopreservation of all embryos will be considered in the following circumstances:
- Have surplus embryos for further replacement after fresh embryo transfer
- Emdotrium is not suitable for fresh embryo transfer
- Clinical conditions, e.g. polyp / hydrosalpinx or oter illness
- Fertility preservation(e.g Cancer, Ovarian failure)
- Risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)
- Pre-implantation Genetic Testing (PGT)
- Personal issue